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Namespace CommonOptions

Options commonly used by the widget library widgets.
Defined in: jquery.rdf.widgets.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Note that this isn't really a class, but is just meant as a reference to the options used by many widgets.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
An anonymous object representing the ACL to be used with any new resource description created by this widget.
A function with the signature f(success, data, xhr) to be called following a SPARUL request's completion, regardless of success.
A function with the signature f(data, xhr) to be called just prior to the submission of an update to a SPARUL server.
If true, this widget will be editable.
A URI indicating the SPARUL endpoint to which data created by this widget or edited at this data source should be written
A function with the signature f($rdf.Triple) that, given a triple, will return true if that triple should be used in the output of the widget.
An anonymous object containing namespace->URI mappings, e.g.
If true, this item will be selectable.
An array of URIs and shorthand names that define the set of sources that should be used when obtaining data for this widget.
Namespace Detail
Note that this isn't really a class, but is just meant as a reference to the options used by many widgets.
Field Detail
<static> {Object | String} CommonOptions.acl
An anonymous object representing the ACL to be used with any new resource description created by this widget. Can use any of the pre-defined ACL strings, or an absolute URI pointing to a policy to be used.

<static> {Function} CommonOptions.afterSubmit
A function with the signature f(success, data, xhr) to be called following a SPARUL request's completion, regardless of success.

<static> {Funtion} CommonOptions.beforeSubmit
A function with the signature f(data, xhr) to be called just prior to the submission of an update to a SPARUL server.

<static> {Boolean} CommonOptions.editable
If true, this widget will be editable.

<static> {String} CommonOptions.endpoint
A URI indicating the SPARUL endpoint to which data created by this widget or edited at this data source should be written

<static> {Function} CommonOptions.filter
A function with the signature f($rdf.Triple) that, given a triple, will return true if that triple should be used in the output of the widget.

<static> {Object} CommonOptions.namespaces
An anonymous object containing namespace->URI mappings, e.g. {"foaf":""}.

<static> {Boolean} CommonOptions.selectable
If true, this item will be selectable. When selected, the widget will fire an rdfselect event.

<static> {Array} CommonOptions.sources
An array of URIs and shorthand names that define the set of sources that should be used when obtaining data for this widget.

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