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Namespace jQuery

The jQuery Javascript toolkit.
Defined in: jquery.rdf.widgets.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Display an annotation box when any element inside of a certain element is shift+clicked.
Let the user edit a triple by selecting which value(s) it takes on from a set of checkboxes.
Let the user edit a triple by selecting which single value it takes on from a combobox.
Create a form for creating new information about an as-yet undescribed object.
Draw a label that, when clicked twice, transforms into an editable text box for modifying a value in a triple.
Search for a valid image depicting a given resource and display it.
Provide an autocomplete input that contains all instances of a given type.
Provide an list that contains all instances of a given type.
Display a simple text label for a given resource or implied resource.
Let the user edit a triple by selecting which single value it takes on from a set of radio buttons.
jQuery.rdfwidget(name, prototype)
Define a new widget for use in the library.
Display a table containing all of the properties of a given resource.
Perform a SPARQL SELECT query with a set of properties and display the results in a table.
Display a list of all sources currently in use by the widget library.
Serialize the entire local store as N3 and display it in a text box.
Display an image for each resource of a certain type in a toolbar layout.
Draw a series of editable boxes for editing each term in a single triple.
Display the list of triples that match a given pattern.
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
Display an annotation box when any element inside of a certain element is shift+clicked.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.displayElement Optional
A valid jQuery constructor argument that determines where the annotations will be displayed when an item is selected. If not provided, the annotations will be displayed in a floating popup.

Let the user edit a triple by selecting which value(s) it takes on from a set of checkboxes.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{Array} options.choices Optional
The set of Terms that are made available to choose from as checkboxes.
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.

Let the user edit a triple by selecting which single value it takes on from a combobox.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{Array} options.choices Optional
The set of choices the user may choose from as dropdown items in a combo box.
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.

Create a form for creating new information about an as-yet undescribed object.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{Object} Optional
An array of create instance options. Each object must at least have a property field, which defines which predicate the form input will obtain an object for. More coming soon.

Draw a label that, when clicked twice, transforms into an editable text box for modifying a value in a triple.
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The resource to display an edit for OR if predicate or object is defined, the subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.
{Boolean} options.autocomplete Optional, Default: true
If false, no autocomplete menu will be displayed when the user is editing.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions

Search for a valid image depicting a given resource and display it. Currently, bases this search off of the foaf:depiction property, dbpedia img property, and their subproperties.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The resource to display an image of OR if predicate or object is defined, the subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.
{String | Number} options.width Optional
The width, in pixels, that the image should be displayed with (height will be scaled).
{String | Number} options.height Optional
The height, in pixels, that the image should be displayed with (width will be scaled).

Provide an autocomplete input that contains all instances of a given type.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.type Optional
If provided, only instances of the given type will be displayed in the dropdown. Otherwise, all instances in the local store are options.

Provide an list that contains all instances of a given type.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.type Optional
The rdf:type to filter instances by.

Display a simple text label for a given resource or implied resource.
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The resource to display a label for OR if predicate or object is defined, the subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.
{Boolean} options.showlinks Optional, Default: true
If false, labels for Symbols will not contain hyperlinks.
{Boolean} options.selectable Optional, Default: true
If false, the item will not be selectable and will not fire the rdfselect event.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions

Let the user edit a triple by selecting which single value it takes on from a set of radio buttons.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{Array} options.choices Optional
The set of choices the user may choose from as a set of radio buttons.
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.

<static> jQuery.rdfwidget(name, prototype)
Define a new widget for use in the library.
{String} name
the namespaced name of the widget, eg. ui.mywidgetname
{Object} prototype
the prototype class of the new widget.

Display a table containing all of the properties of a given resource.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
the URI of the resource to be described.

Perform a SPARQL SELECT query with a set of properties and display the results in a table.
{String | Object} options.type Optional
If specified, the required rdf:type of each result in the list.
{Array} Optional
If specified, the set of properties to be SELECTed for.
{Array} options.requireall Optional, Default: true
If false, matches that bind at least one item in will be displayed.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions

Display a list of all sources currently in use by the widget library.

Serialize the entire local store as N3 and display it in a text box.

Display an image for each resource of a certain type in a toolbar layout.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.type Optional
The rdf:type that should be used to decide which resources will appear in the toolbar.

Draw a series of editable boxes for editing each term in a single triple.
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The subject of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of a statement to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of a statement to be matched.
{Boolean} options.autocomplete Optional, Default: true
If false, no autocomplete menu will be displayed.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions

Display the list of triples that match a given pattern.
{Object} options Optional
@see CommonOptions
{String | Object} options.subject Optional
The subject of the statements to be matched.
{String | Object} options.predicate Optional
The predicate of the statements to be matched.
{String | Object} options.object Optional
The object of the statements to be matched.
{String | Object} options.filterduplicates Optional, Default: false
Remove duplicate statements from multiple different data sources.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Wed May 05 2010 12:58:42 GMT-0400 (EDT)