Wow! What a week! And the winner is...
Thanks to all - instructors, coaches, organizers, and especially students - for an awesome first Linked Data Product Development Lab!
The winner is LocalFocus - Zach (UT), Gladis (MIT), and Francis (Phanai Media Group):
Picture by: Reed Sturtevant / CC BY 2.0
Honorable mention to OpenChart - Steve (MIT), Filip (Harvard), and David (MIT)
Some pictures from the awards presentation can be found here. More pictures, video, project information, and more coming soon!
What are you doing for IAP?
Google and Facebook began on college campuses.
Take advantage of this opportunity to build the next killer app!
Apply asap for consideration! Limited seats available; additional audit seats being considered.
Program in a nutshell
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, will kick off the week with his vision of Linked Data, a means for unlocking the greater power of the Web.
- One week immersive lab will include lectures on key linked data concepts and technologies, brainstorming and teaming exercises, and entrepreneurship panels and lectures.
- Participants will form multi-disciplinary teams for a collaborative week supported by coaches with expertise in Semantic Web, Linked Data, product design, entrepreneurship, Web services and mobile applications.
- Working prototypes will be evaluated by a blue ribbon panel at the end of the week.
Course will be held 9am to 5pm from January 11th - 15th in MIT room number 4-370